Carol Swanson - Testimonials
Medical Intuition
Energy Healing
Transformational Hypnosis
Inner Child
Emotion Code Process
Spirit Releasement
Custom Flower Essences
Spiritual Classes & Events
Carol's Background
Contact Carol

Carol's Philosophy

In response to everyone that Carol has worked with 'in need', Carol states...

"I believe we attract in what we need to see in the dark. Sometimes it is not what we expect..a jolt out of our everyday hypnosis. I also believe that all help does not have to be only from a certain vibration. Anyone can pull a person out of a burning building..if they see and have the courage to do so. Be open to what Spirit has to show you from any level it comes.
Blessings to you", Carol


"Thank you for our session the other day. And thanks for committing  your life to this kind of work! I am feeling gentle and subtle energies at work.. I am amazed at the deepness/depth and dimension of this kind of work. I am learning about it. Thanks again."   — Donna B., Madison WI

" Thank you so much for the reading. It helped me immensely. It confirmed that things must end (relationship). I am so grateful for the insights you shared with me. It has brought me such peace of mind and boosted my strength and courage to manifest what I really want in my life. Many Blessings to you and your family! Love and Light."   — B.W., California

"My mother is gloriously happy! You made her life with that reading. She had given up hope and is renewed! Amen!"   — V.R, Janesville, WIrose apple blossom

"I wanted to let you know how grateful I am for all you have done for me. I feel wonderful – better than I have in years! There is a peacefulness and a calm that I have never known... and at the same time I feel so full of energy – like a tremendous weight has been lifted from me. I can't thank you enough!! The day after I saw you I actually woke up smiling feeling good about myself and life in general. I even catch myself humming and smiling spontaneously just because I feel so good! I wish that I had found you years ago. My hands are also free of pain since our meeting – that amazes me as well. People say I even look different – lighter – it's wonderful! There are not enough words to express my gratitude. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I'll see you when you come to Madison in Feb. Bless You!"   — M.B., Madison, WI

"Thanks so much for our last session. I used the salt pack and visualization. The knee began to correct the next day and I had a wonderful birthday! My mood was much better and after eating dinner with friends, amazingly, when I got up there had been the most noticeable improvement. .I know you were correct that a good part was emotional and energetic which needed clearing. Anyway, thanks for helping turn the tide once again. Best regards."
  — B. Rhode, VA

"Your hypnosis session work has been instrumental in assisting me in moving unseen blocks while giving me the grace to move forward in life."
  — Evelyn T-Martin, WI

"You are amazing!! I spent a year seeing a therapist (who claimed to be a psychic) who in twenty visits never touched on all that you were able to find. Even if I had to pay one hundred dollars I would love to see you again."   — Michelle C., Madison, WI

" Once again you have brought me tremendous peace of mind. I cannot thank you enough for being there for me and sharing your gifts. Words cannot describe the gratitude I feel.... Namaste!"
  — W.S., Madison, WI

"I cannot thank you enough for the reading yesterday. When we hung up, a sense of peace came over me. I slept better than I had all week and I'm feeling centered again. You really helped me face things head on and get over the hump. I'm so grateful for the insights you've shared, for your support and guidance.  Peace, Love and Light!!"   — Lea, Madison, WI

"Carol Swanson offers exceptional talent and skills in cellular healing by modern day professionalism. Carol possesses a true and remarkable gift to heal wounds. Carol created flower essences for a serious (toxic) spider bite. I have no scars or problems after working with Carol and my Doctor. She brought about complete healing. Anyone investing in spiritual health I recommend Carol."   — W.M., Maryland

"Thank you for your Pendulum/Spirit Releasement seminar. It put several important pieces in place. I don't see how you did it really and it's an even greater miracle you shared it with us. I'll be using this (information) for life."   — Louise,  Iowa

"Thank you for the reading you did for me. It was indeed profound. I have been putting your suggestions to use in very deep ways. I am leaving my dead- end job this month. So the deepest thanks go to you for seeing the part of me that was always there, but I needed your permission to bring it out."   — L.C., WI

"Can't thank you enough for your ongoing support. The distance energy session boosted me the entire day.  What a great present!"
  — B. R., Marcos Island, FL

To Carol, Our Angel in Disguise –
"Thank you for all your help with the rehabilitation of the horses you worked with horseat H.O.R.S.E. Incorporated. Without your abilities we would not have known the hidden issues behind many of the horses that needed help so badly, both emotionally and physically. Our most challenging horse, Lilly, the Tennessee Walker has almost come full circle from an almost vicious mare - unable to be fed without being bitten or kicked - to a loving horse, waiting for us in the pasture for pats, scratches, hugs and don't forget the treats! While getting the treatments she needed physically to correct her physical alignment, she received emotional healing which she needed so badly because of a tortured past. Soledad Del Oeste, our Peruvian Paso, is only surviving through her painful genetic disease DSLD, with your Reiki abilities to communicate to us what she is feeling and what she is needing, therefore making it possible for us to give her as much relief from pain as we can. This is the most important part of our rescue, the Rehabilitation and Pain Management for the horses. Making our horses as healthy, happy, and comfortable as possible. They have suffered enough. You play a MAJOR part in our rescue, and look forward to your every visit. Thank you Carol. You are an Angel."
— Cindy Bondowski: President of H.O.R.S.E. Incorporated, Certified Wisconsin Humane Officer

"I'm writing to thank you for the spiritual services you and the guides provided me on many levels. Because of your advanced knowledge and wisdom I have recommended you to my friends and family and hope others are guided to your beautiful energy and intuitive work. The flower essences for my animals brought about gentle relief for emotional and behavioral issues, especially Rosebud. Many thank you's for your dedicated service."
  — W.M., Maryland

"Your combined pendululm/spirit releasement class offered tools of significance. Very informative and useful. Also, alarmingly awakening."
  — E.T., Fort Atkinson, WI

"Thank you for the hard work, dedicated service and immediate attention you gave me for spirit releasement. I really don't know how to express my gratitude. You were the only person who released me from dark forces. You effectively restored my health and spiritual wellbeing. Your gifts are unmatched in the ability to see and eradicate dark forces."   — Sage M., Maryland

"And a special thank you to Carol and her family: Carol, I am sure you are on the borderline of the time you have spent with me.I can't tell you how great this experience has been. Every book you have mentioned has been on time. Your coaching me in the business aspect of reiki. Carol, I thank you for the new lease on my life. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you."
  — E.M., WI

"I feel blessed to have been able to attend your class. I was able to clear up a lot of old energy and will truly start 2006 a new person. Thanks again."
  — L.B.A.

"Thank you for your guidance.  I feel so much freer now. Thanks again!! And again!"   — L.S., WI

"Thank you for all your help. Ashley and the girls are back at home with no problems! She even got a job since her home was cleared. Thank you!"   — J.V., IL

"I'm warmed by the class and heart you lend to our Faires…you have special gifts, and a great laugh/smile for those needing uplifting. Thanks."   — Adi, Madison WI

"Thank you for taking the time to dowse for the Bach flower remedies. I found 3 out of the 7 and can feel a difference already. I'll have the rest by mid-week and figure I should be 100% soon! You are a doll for doing that for me…I know how busy you are! Keep up the great work. Love and blessings."   — Pam Sedona, AZ

"Thank you so much for your words of wisdom. I realize that change does not happen overnight. You gave me the courage to speak my truth and I thank you for that! Take Care and God Bless!"   — P.P., Boulder, CO

"Thank you for forming this Magnified Healing class again. I am looking to enjoy listening, seeing, and practicing this healing energy for the Highest Goodness and add more joyful contributions to this world."
— Melinda R., Milwaukee, WI

"Thanks for the great reading! You are truly gifted! I plan on keeping in touch. Talk to you soon!"
  — P.W., Michigan

"I wanted to "thank you", your generosity of 'extra time' during my three sessions with you. I was deeply touched by your genuine concern for me. I wanted you to know how much I appreciated the difference you made in my life Saturday. Thank you again"   — Sandy S., Mt Horeb, WI

"Thanks Carol for all your help. Love the insight and am learning a bunch! Hope to see you soon."   — Rose, WI.

"I just wanted to say Thanks so much for all you have done, and all the wonderful things you have brought to my life. I'm looking forward to taking Reiki 3 and the Magnified Healing class once I get on my feet again. Love,"   — Renee, Janesville, WI

"Thank you for all your help! Talking to you makes me feel so much better! Take Care."   — L.R., WI

"Thanks Carol, It's always helpful talking with you."   — Y.W.

"Thanks for working us into your busy schedule this Holiday season. Your readings have always been inspiring, heartfelt, eye-opening, as well as appreciated. Thank you from the Michhiganders!"   — T.J.

"Thank you for your influence on my life. I will always be better because of you. Love,"   — M. S. Janesville, WI

"We were so fortunate to have you as an employee and friend. Your support and caring meant a lot, as well as the trust our customers had in the knowledge and wisdom that you shared. Thank you for adding your energy to the 'mix' that makes Earthsong what it is today. I'm happy that you'll continue to teach here at the store, so at least we will see you  once in awhile! Blessings in the Light."   — Linda C., Janesville, WI

"Thank you so much for everything! I truly appreciate your understanding. Thank you for clearing me the other day. I definitely felt Archangel Raphael bringing Holy Light onto me. Thank you."
  — Toni W., Sun Prairie, WI.

"Carol, I'm really grateful to you. God Bless You! You're amazing! You don't know what you have done to help me (re: recent loss of loved ones). Thank you so much."   — Kirap Sandhu, Punjab, India

"Dear Carol - Bless you, for helping me resolve some of my issues. I was totally impressed by your reading. Dear Lady you put my mind at ease. Thank you! Very many friends of mine shall be getting in touch with you from India. And so shall I when ever I face dark clouds. Once again, Thank you."   — Affly, Poonam Joshi  Bangalore, Karnataka, India

"I would like to say that in a consistent manner, Carol has read accurately for me at very short notice, when you "feel" you need a reading the most (and) when you feel like you "just can't wait". Carol has accommodated me graciously and professionally."   — Jill C., Burnaby BC, Canada

"Thank you. Thank you is a bit of an understatement considering the impact (of) what you did is having and will have in my life! I feel my mother has actually left and it's so clear now that so much of what was going on was her stuff! Well I won't go on about it except to say that I feel full of hope and excited about life again! Haven't got the stones yet but I got a book of Shakti Gawain and I'm going to look up a reiki healer here in Toronto to go to. I wish you well and will not forget you! Take care." — L.R. Toronto, Canada

"Thank you so much for offering the healing at the rate that you did for me. However, you deserve even more than that amount. I am able to send you extra. You really are doing God's work and I send many kudos to you for that! Many blessings to you and yours."   — Daisy, Miami, FL

"Thank you for responding, and thank you very much for the spirit releasement, you are so very kind. I fell asleep between half an hour and an hour after I sent the email to you (I had to get up early this morning for an appointment), and I not only slept, but dreamed, too!  I was shaken/moved by the past life relationship that you mentioned with my wife (although that sort of revelation  must be 'common coin' with you, in your practices), and earlier today, in a brief spell of emotion, I referred (in my mind), to my wife as 'my little girl' (not the first time). Thank you again."   — Ian, France

"Thank You Again!  My session with you was very healing and transformative.  I'm very grateful to have met you.  You said some things about what was in store for me, and I'm already seeing it in my life.  You spoke of a massive shift, and I'm definitely feeling the beginnings of that.  It's brought me a lot of peace, which seemed almost impossible from the place I was in. I feel like everything is going to be okay, and I didn't feel that way before.  Thank you from the depths of my heart for all your help!  You truly are gifted.  It was an honor to receive your guidance."   — Lisa  L., University of Wisconsin, Madison

“OMG! I am amazed, speechless, with greatest gratitude witnessing God's miracle and my heart is filled with joy. I feel so relieved. Thank you so much. How incredible that you are able to do such life changing sessions (re Daughter's 2nd healing session). I have been feeling so much happiness around me and in my heart. The message I felt yesterday was how silly of us to be so worried, running around, stressed out in despair-God is in charge. (I am) very grateful for the healing of her (daughter's) Inner Child and the healing with the Father. You are a miracle worker, God bless you to hear my cry for my beloved child.”    — A. Moore, CA

 “I am grateful to know you, and know I will be continuing to work with you to fine tune my physical needs and spiritual growth. I have been on my spiritual path for over 30 years, and as I said, the spin cycle keeps spitting things to the surface. I keep transforming the old to allow more love and light to shine through. I have shared my experience with you, with some friends, and they will be making some appointments. I referred a client of mine a couple of weeks ago just from my husband's experience with his reading. I am glad I did. I will be referring many more clients. Many Blessings.”   — Nansea L., CO

"Dear Carol – I am so very happy to be referring people to you.  I know they are in good hands.

Over the last 25 years, I have been a client of psychic healers, psychics, mediums, clairvoyants and a medical intuitive. They have come into my life when I needed assistance on my path,  just like you.  You have helped me to go to the next level on my path, I am grateful, and so happy to share this experience with others. I see your diverse gifts and skills, and know that you truly have a passion to help others.  I honor this, and thank you for keeping your fees reasonable, so that others may work with you too.   As we both know, this is the time to shed the shackles around our hearts and to shift our energy fields.
With Love,"
  — N. Lee, CO lilly

" Hello Carol, Many thanks for the Inner Child Healing Session. I feel like you really got what I told you about my bizarre and debilitating childhood and the way it has crippled my adult life. I'm very excited to see how everything unfolds! I have already felt less depressed, more positive about life and my future. Again, thank you so much! Wishing you and your family great health and happiness,"   — Marilyn V.

" Carol, Thank you so much for the Inner Child Healing session and report! Very interesting helpful info and many new insights and ah-ha's for me! I appreciate that your assistance has been in so many different ways and with such thoroughness. I believe I really needed it. Many thanks again,"   — S.W., CO.

" I'd love to call with my credit card no. to add a $100 payment for your tremendous work. The morning following your Inner Child Healing I woke from an amazing & very healing dream experience that was in addition to your written chronicle. The next night when I closed my eyes, I felt instantly swept off into a continuation of nightime healing. And the night after that, when I laid down I felt real loose, relaxed, and as if my past was no longer relevant, & even rather inaccessible (in a positive manner). I felt utterly free...And am continuing to feel a whole new future of possibilities. Thank you Carol!!"   —Sue Wale

" re: Inner Child Healing Session Thankyou so much, I’m feeling much lighter and joyful, it’s so good to be free."   — B. R., CO.

" Hi Carol, Thanks so much for the session and your insight. I felt a measure of relief yesterday just knowing that I was addressing the issues and that there was hope for a solution. And a big relief from not hearing the words "heart disease, tumor, or cancer." I have been worrying a lot over the last few weeks about what could possibly have caused the symptoms and whether they were resolvable. It helps my worry level enormously to have a list to work from that I can use to create an action plan. I have already started acting on your recommendations. I was impressed by your professionalism, your organizational skills, and your promptness. Thank you again, and have a great weekend. Sincerely,"   — D.L. Madison, WI.

" Thank you so much Carol, I also got the 2nd email of the stones and Wobenzym too. It was such a great experience speaking with you and I plan on adopting this new regimen of your recommendations. Interesting thing, tonight I was assisting my friend, Jill (an astrologer) her class on Chiron tonight which is all about the wounded healer so it was obviously an idyllic day to speak with you so I can Heal my body. Yes I am highly interested in doing Inner child healing & dealing with my past life issues with you ;) Thank you,"   — Nicole

" You are so sweet. I am so blessed to have you in my life. You have helped me in so many ways in every area of my life. Love and peace,"   — Sheree

" Thank you. Productive session. Will call you soon for more services. Love and wellness,"   — Jen Houston, Texas

" Hi Carol, I just wanted you to know that I felt something amazing after this healing session. I felt emotionally lightened - as if a heavy weight was removed. That constant underlying anger seems to be gone. I'm not so easily irritated. It's been a couple of weeks and I still feel the effects. This is the first time I've ever felt anything concrete from the various psychic-type things I've tried. Including Rekii sessions and shamanic journeying. I hope it lasts. I hope to follow up at some point with you. Thank you!"   — Joyce, Madison, WI

" Dear Carol: I would like to thank you very much for the Health Scan that you did on me in May.. I knew I was having a thyroid problem as well as a node on the back of the left side of the Thyroid before your scan..But I did not know whether or not it was benign or malignant.. and wanted some sort of information from one that has better abilities than my primary (Conventional ) Dr. because she has been pushing surgery from day one. When you performed your scan on me, you went to the thyroid shortly after starting and found the thyroid to be out of sync as well as finding the node..At that time you said it was not malignant.. You also recommended several supplements for me to take which I am and they are really helping, I have improved so much since May. I went to have the biopsy of the node done in the later part of June as recommended by my Dr. and it was found to have no malignant cells.. You are so very good in your profession, I will highly recommend you to people that are in need like I was.. Thank You so very much, "   — Theresa. Janesville, Wisconsin

" Carol, Thank you for doing my medical intuitive reading face- to- face yesterday and providing the results with follow up suggestions in your email. It was a remarkable confirming experience. I was surprised to feel physically drained, yet emotionally peaceful afterwards. I stopped at Repeat Retreat and picked up a Ninja blender to begin a renewed adventure in producing healthful smoothies along with an online visit to the Swanson site last night has me excited to get started this morning. There is much for me still to process and integrate. I am open to exploring the Emotional Code in the future, as well. With Gracious Gratitude,"   — C J of Janesville, Wisconsin

" Carol, I am so blessed to have found you! I cannot thank you enough for the work that you do and the reading that you did for me today. I feel more at ease and confident than I have in a long time. You affirmed for me things that I felt but didn't have the assurance to know. Thank you! Blessings, Light, & Love,"   — Shawn

" Hi Carol, I had a couple of experiences this week that followed your insight for me during the reading. …. On Friday, which was 5 days from the reading, I had a personal awareness within my family that gave me confidence to be more independent. I am still aware that there could be more changes and welcome them positively. You gave me a feeling of hope and new beginnings, and I appreciate that.I'll contact you soon to set up another reading. I'm still in awe! Thank you, and take care"   — Judy

" Dear Carol, This is just a final wrap-up of the process I have been working on (the divorce). You SO helped me with figuring out that I needed another attorney than the one I had when I first called you last year. My (new) attorney really went to bat for me and got me a bigger alimony than I was asking for. Plus back payments, plus attorney fees, etc. I am SO HAPPY!!!! Basically, as soon as we all sign the documents next week, IT IS DONE!!!It is so strange to have something that has consumed my thoughts, words, actions and feeling for so long to BE OVER!!! Your insight, clarity and knowing saved me from making a mistake that would have haunted me the rest of my life. You are WONDERFUL!!! Gratefully,"   — Zeta D. Phoenix, AZ

" Dear Carol, I saw you last April (at a fair) and everything you told me not only came true, but also gave me a lot of comfort through the process. I'm now in my new position (as of November), and am LOVING it. I get to do precisely what I asked to do, and I work for the best boss ever. And I can work from home!!!! I'm excited to hear what comes next - it feels like this Spring will be big for me. I hope my intuition is right! You've helped me a lot over years and years. I've really valued your insights, practicality and kindness. The timing you've talked about {in readings given}is more accurate than any other reader I've ever worked with. You have been right on, down to the week, many times. And when one feels trapped in a bad situation, having the hope of 'liberation' down to the week or month, is incredibly comforting. You told me I'd be into my next position within 6 months of our end-of-April conversation, and come November 1, 2010, I had started my new position. You told me the new venture would be successful, and I can't tell you how much that helped my confidence as I moved into new territory. Without revisiting our conversation weekly, sometimes daily, over that time period, I think I would have lost hope that things could and would change. Thank you for all you've done to help me help myself and believe in happy endings! Hugs, Kath"   — K.S. Madison , WI.

" Dear Carol, This dream occurred shortly after the emotion code healing session I had with you: I had this beautiful dream in which my grandfather Bill K. who has passed on came to me on a sunny day. I was enjoying some kind of celebration and having a pool party and he came to visit me in Spirit for the first time since his death in 2002. I believe he wanted to celebrate my reunion with my "inner child" as he gave me the sweetest smile from ear to ear and a great bear hug. This dream was so special to me and makes me believe that the Emotional Code healing work I have done with you has been quite profound." Thanks again for the spirit attachment clearing today, it has helped VERY MUCH! Blessings,"   — J.W. ,Oregon, Wisconsin

" Dear Carol, My sister, Dawn M., is consulting with you on various levels. Because she calls me often, I can witness that after your input she is calm, confident and centered. .I am relieved by the support she receives from you and I'm profoundly grateful. Thank you for your attention to my requests. And, thank you again, for the care and concern you've shown my 'baby' sister. She means everything to me. Sincerely,"   — Judy G.A. Burlington, WI


" Thank you Carol for your feedback... And Thank you for your many years of impeccable service and friendship. Blessings:"   — Ken-Adi Ring Tri-Unity Wellife Assoc. LLC

" Hi, Carol- I can't say enough about your (Healing with the Pendulum) class.... I loved it and I am so glad I came to it. Thank you.:"   — Robin B., Lake Geneva, WI

" Hi Carol, I had a reading with you this past Sunday. You asked me to send you an email so you could send it to me. After the clearing you did with me, Hollie and my house, I feel much better. I am not agitated anymore. When I got home I burned sage in every room. Thank you,"   — C.S.

" Thank you again for your help. I’m feeling so much better. The Swanson supplements are good. My body is so much more willing to get up and go….I think I had “iron poor blood”, what a difference! Still having hot flashes, but not as many. I’d love to work with you some more. Will give you a call as the timing feels right. I’m thinking my daughter would benefit from a session or two. Many blessings!"   — M.S., Baraboo, Wisconsin.

" Hello Carol and thank you again.. I found our reading today very nice, intriguing and what was needed for my heart. I would have enjoyed speaking with you longer, but felt satisfied with our time that was well spent on receiving. Thank you also for receiving energy from my departed Grandmother, when you said she was like the "Queen of England" you received a very accurate way to portray her look, and sense of ultra regalness. And her hand expression spoke volumes, she was like that. She is a very special soul, and I know her presence will certainly bless you as well for your helpful service. That alone was very healing and again, I appreciate your time with me today. Blessings and prosperity,T.B."   — Corona, CA.

"Thank you SO much Carol(for the reading). I've had a range of emotions from laughter to crying since getting off the phone with you. In retrospect it's so ridiculously obvious NOW to me that I should have gone to massage school years ago. I know I have looked into it before and in fact I had the thought to go to massage school very recently..but I guess I just was too wrapped up in "what I think I'm supposed to do" to have gotten the clear message. Thank you so much for your insight and assistance to connecting with my higher self. It's no accident that a massage therapist reached out to me at the Farmers Market and that my products are in her place...I will reach out to her for support and guidance as well. I have a lot to do now, thanks a million!!!! "   — Natasha, Des Moines, Iowa

"Hi Carol..Thanks so much for the reading; your remarks about Barbara coincided so closely with my own. The remarks about "J" made me cry, partly in joy and partly in sadness. The remarks about me, personally, were new and so welcome. Thanks again, profusely, for it ALL! Best money I ever spent! Love & Blessings, Connie "  . Oregon, USA

"Good Morning Carol! I've been meaning to write you a thank you note as well as a little detailed synopsis of where I am in the reading you did for me on March 14. Suffice to say, for now, that you were absolutely, terrifically-right-on again! As I have a more time-dependent question for you this morning, I will ask my question first, and put my summary of where I am in my last reading at the end of this message. PS Also - thank you for doing the reading with my friend, Stanlie! She is euphoric, and it is SO fun to see her so excited again! We both can't wait to see what kind of job opportunity emerges for her yet this summer! With love and gratitude "  , — K.S.,Madison, Wisconsin

Every testimonial on this website can be substantiated with letters Carol has received over the years in her practice.

Carol is always blessed by everyone she meets and those who request her services. She offers gratitude to the Unseen Guiding Light directing her path for greater learning...and is fulfilled that others may benefit.


The following links are friends who are professional associates who have positively impacted my life:

Dawn Du Charme Kluever reads the tarot with great depth and offers profound insight with an astrological twist to assist understanding. She is teacher of spiritual classes at UW Madison. Deb Du Charme is a sensitive psychic.

Tri-Unity Wellife
Madison, WI. Psychic fairs for over 20 years, massage and bodywork, and special Madison events with well-known New Age speakers from around the world. Ken Adi-Ring, Director, and Sally Ring have been phenomenal contributors to Spiritual Growth Movement on this planet. Thank you for your selfless service Ken and Sally Ring!

© 2009 All Rights Reserved - Carol Swanson | LEGAL DISCLAIMER & POLICIES