Flower Essence Vibrational HealingWHO NEEDS FLOWER ESSENCES ??
HOW ARE THEY MADE ?? Carol, a master dowser and custom flower essence practitioner, determines the flower essences needed to balance your emotional/mental spiritual nature via dowsing. The healing properties are taken under the tongue or in a small amount of water (in a clean mouth) a minimum of four times per day over 30 days. It is the frequency of the application (as needed) not the amount taken, that restores balance. Flower essences are vibrational...subtle...they do not interfere with medication already being taken. However subtle, they can move mountains! When taken regularly this essence combination balances the subtle energy bodies, uplifting emotional, mental and spiritual levels promoting wellness. Blocked chakra centers open and self-adjust to bring greater energy into the physical body for accelerated healing and overall wellness. Children and pets can benefit from flower essence remedies as well. Since our pets love us and absorb our emotional issues, they may also benefit tremendously from a flower essence combination. White vinegar is used as a preservative. HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU NEED A CUSTOM MADE FLOWER ESSENCE? Are you feeling emotionally stuck or blocked by your own personality patterns?? Does your pet, child, family member, or friend have signs of being 'down and out,' depressed, anxious, fearful, aggressive, stubborn, having difficulty focusing or adjusting to a change? These are more emotional patterns that can be relieved with a diligent application of flower essences. IT MAY BE TIME TO EXPLORE NEW ALTERNATIVES FOR HEALING. EXPERIENCE THE BREAKTHROUGH IN AWARENESS AND WELLNESS THAT FLOWER ESSENCES OFFER... CONTACT CAROL FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT HOW A CUSTOM BLENDED (FES) FLOWER ESSENCE COMBINATION CAN BEGIN HELPING YOU, YOUR FAMILY, AND YOUR PETS TODAY. Carol charges $29.00 for a single (1 oz. bottle) custom blended flower essence. Shipping & Handling is included in this fee (U.S. funds). |
© 2009 All Rights Reserved - Carol Swanson | LEGAL DISCLAIMER & POLICIES |